Adding some more judges, here and there.
[andmenj-acm.git] / UVa / 11338 - Minefield / 11338.clean.cpp
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <vector>
3 #include <queue>
4 #include <map>
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <sstream>
7 #include <functional>
9 using namespace std;
11 const double infinity = 1E20;
13 //I'm representing a node as a point with X and Y coordinates.
14 struct point{
15 double x, y;
16 point(double X, double Y){ x = X; y = Y;}
19 //This map holds the best distance seen from the start node in Dijkstra's algorithm
20 map< point, double > dist;
22 //Some operator for the points
23 bool operator ==(const point &a, const point &b){ return (a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y);}
24 bool operator !=(const point &a, const point &b){ return !(a == b);}
25 bool operator <(const point &a, const point &b){ return (a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y));}
26 //This returns the Euclidean distance between two points
27 double euclidean(point a, point b){return hypot(a.y-b.y, a.x-b.x);}
30 //This is used as a "sort class" for the priority_queue used by Dijkstra's algorithm.
31 //It simply sorts the points in the priority_queue by less dist[x].
32 //i.e, the top of the priority_queue always has the point with smaller dist.
33 struct heapCompare : public binary_function<point, point, bool>
35 bool operator()(const point &x, const point &y) const
36 { return dist[x] > dist[y]; }
40 struct graph{
41 //This holds ALL nodes without relating them to their neighbors, i.e, all nodes alone
42 //This is used to keep track of what nodes are present in the map neigbors.
43 vector<point> nodes;
45 //This holds a vector of all adjacent points for a given point
46 //Adjacent points of a point X are those who are not further than 1.5 from X
47 map< point, vector<point> > neighbors;
49 //This function inserts a new node into the graph.
50 void insert(const point &a){
51 //First check if the node is allready present.
52 if (find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), a) != nodes.end()) return;
53 //Insert the node
54 nodes.push_back(a);
55 //Now we are going to insert it as a neighbor of all other nodes with are at most 1.5 away from him
56 for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); ++i){
57 //A node can't be neighbor of himself:
58 if (nodes[i] != a){
59 vector<point> adj = neighbors[nodes[i]];
60 //Make sure the node hasn't been inserted before.
61 //In theory, this should ALWAYS be true.
62 if (find(adj.begin(), adj.end(), a) == adj.end()){
63 //If is close enough...
64 if (euclidean(a, nodes[i]) < 1.5){
65 //Insert it in both neighbors vectors (The graph is non-directed).
66 neighbors[nodes[i]].push_back(a);
67 neighbors[a].push_back(nodes[i]);
74 //This initializes things needed by Dijkstra's algorithm.
75 void initialize(){
76 //We need a fresh map for every graph, and since dist is a global variable we have to clean it
77 dist.clear();
78 //Set dist of all nodes to infinity except for the starting node.
79 for (int i=0; i<nodes.size(); ++i){
80 dist[nodes[i]] = infinity;
82 dist[point(0.0, 0.0)] = 0.00;
85 //maxPath is the restriction given in the problem statement (d).
86 //finalPoint is where we want to get.
87 void dijkstra(const double &maxPath, const point &finalPoint){
89 initialize();
91 //Used to get the point with less dist from all reachable points.
92 priority_queue<point, vector<point>, heapCompare > q;
93 //We always start at the origin
94 q.push(point(0.0, 0.0));
96 while (!q.empty()){
97 point u =;
98 q.pop();
99 //Do not visit a node if it's not even possible to reach it within the given constraint in straight line.
100 if (euclidean(point(0.00, 0.00), u) + euclidean(u, finalPoint) <= maxPath){
101 for (int i=0; i<neighbors[u].size(); ++i){
102 point v = neighbors[u][i];
103 //Relax
104 if (dist[neighbors[u][i]] > (dist[u] + euclidean(u,v))){
105 dist[neighbors[u][i]] = dist[u] + euclidean(u, v);
106 //Push reachable node into the queue.
107 q.push(v);
117 int main(){
118 while (true){
120 //Lame code to check if we got an '*'
121 string s;
122 for (s = ""; s == ""; getline(cin, s));
123 if (s == "*") break;
126 graph g;
128 stringstream line;
129 line << s;
131 int w,h;
132 //Read the coordinates of the final point
133 line >> w >> h;
135 //Insert the final and starting point
136 g.insert(point((double)w, (double)h));
137 g.insert(point(0.00, 0.00));
139 //Quantity of points
140 int noPoints;
141 cin >> noPoints;
142 //Read each point and insert it
143 for (int i=0; i<noPuntos; ++i){
144 double x,y;
145 cin >> x >> y;
146 g.insert(point(x,y));
149 //Read the maximum path's length.
150 double maxPath;
151 cin >> maxPath;
153 g.dijkstra(maxPath, point((double)w, (double)h));
155 if (dist[point((double)w, (double)h)] < maxPath){
156 printf("I am lucky!\n");
157 }else{
158 printf("Boom!\n");
162 return 0;